The following is a glossary of terms frequently used in the PR, Marketing, and Advertising industries. To be redirected to the list of terms starting with a specific letter, click on the corresponding letter below.
Public Relations Glossary | A Glossary of PR Terms
The following is a glossary of terms frequently used in the PR, Marketing, and Advertising industries. To be redirected to the list of terms starting with a specific letter, click on the corresponding letter below.A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- "Above the Fold"
- Accordion Insert
- Accumulation
- Advertising Cost Equivalent (ACE)
- Acetate
- Ad Copy
- Adjacencies
- Advertising Page Exposure
- Agate Line
- Agency
- Agent
- Aided Recall
- Airbrushing
- American Academy of Advertising (AAA)
- American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA)
- Anchor
- Angle
- Answer Print
- Art Proof
- Association of National Advertisers (ANA)
- Astroturfing
- Audience
- Audience Duplication
- Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC)
- Average Audience (AA)
- B2B
- B2C
- Bait Advertising
- Barter
- Blanket Coverage
- Bleed
- Blow-In Card
- Body Copy
- Boiler Plate
- Booker
- Boutique
- Brand Equity
- Brand Identity
- Branding & Rebranding
- Brainstorming
- Brand Development Index (BDI)
- Brand Manager
- Brand Name
- Brief
- Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB)
- Broadsheet
- Broadside
- Byline
- Bulldog Edition
- Buried Position
- Campaign
- Caption
- Car Card
- Card Rate
- Category Development Index (CDI)
- Cease-And-Desist Order
- Channels
- Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR)
- Circulation(s)
- Clients
- Collateral PR
- Column Inch
- Community Relations
- Comparative Advertising
- Competitor (Competition)
- Competitor Analysis
- Comprehensive Layout
- Concept Story
- Consent Order
- Consultancy
- Consumer Advertising
- Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Jury Test
- Consumer Stimulants
- Consumerism
- Continuity
- Contract
- Contributing Writer
- Controlled Circulation
- Conversation Marketing
- Cooperative Program
- Copy
- Copy Editor
- Copy Testing
- Copywriting
- Core Message
- Corporate Advertising Campaign
- Corrective Advertising
- Corporate Communications
- Corporate Fact Sheet
- Corporate Social/ Environmental Responsibility (CSR)
- Cost Efficiency
- Cost Per Inquiry
- Cost Per Rating Point (CPP)
- Cost Per Thousand (CPT) (or CPM)
- Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB)
- Counter Advertising
- Coverage
- Credibility
- Crisis Management
- Crop
- Cue Sheet
- Cumulative Audience (Abbr.: Cumes)
- Customer(s)
- Cutting / Clipping
- Dailies
- Day-After Recall Test
- Daypart
- Decay Constant
- Deceptive Advertising
- Demographics
- Demographic Segmentation
- Depth Interview
- Designated Market Area (DMA)
- Direct House
- Direct Mail
- Direct Marketing
- Direct Premium
- Direct Response
- Directory Advertising
- Display Advertising
- Dissolve
- Distributor
- Door-Opener
- Double Page Spread (DPS)
- Drive Time
- Dub
- Dummy
- Duplication
- Duplicated Audience
- E-PR - Online PR
- Earned Rate
- Edelman PR
- Editing
- Editor
- Editorial
- Editorial Calender
- Eighty-Twenty Rule
- Electric Spectacular
- Embargo
- Employee Relations
- End-User
- Envelope Stuffer
- Equal Time
- Executive Summary
- Exclusive
- Exposure
- Evaluation
- Event Management
- Eye Tracking
- Facings
- Factory Pack
- Family Brand
- Feature
- Fees
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- Financial PR
- Fixed-Sum-Per-Unit Method
- Flat Rate
- Flighting
- Focus Group
- Four P's of Marketing
- Franchised Position
- Freelancer
- Free-Standing Insert (FSI)
- Frequency
- Fringe Time
- Fulfillment House
- Full Position
- Full Service Agency
- Galvanometer Test
- Gatefold
- Generic Brand
- Ghostwriter
- Glass Ceiling
- Green Advertising
- Grid Card
- Gross Audience
- Gross Impressions
- Gross Rating Points
- Guaranteed Circulation
- Gutter
- Halo Effect
- Healthcare Communications PR
- Hierarchy-Of-Effects Theory
- Hierarchy of Needs
- Holding Power
- Holdover Audience
- Horizontal Discount
- Hook
- Horizontal Publications
- House Agency
- House Organ
- Households Using Television (HUT)
- ID
- Image Advertising
- Imprinted Product
- Independent Contractor
- Independent Station
- Industrial Advertising
- Infomercial
- In-House PR
- Inquiries
- Insert
- Insertion
- Insertion Order
- Institute of Public Relations (IPR)
- Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
- Intensive Distribution
- Internal Communications
- Internal Relations Officer (IRO)
- International Advertising
- International Public Relations Association (IPRA)
- Investor Relations
- Island Display
- Island Position
- Lanham Act
- Leading
- Lead Time
- Leave Behind
- Letter to the Editor
- Lifestyle Segmentation
- Linage
- List Broker
- Lobby Firm
- Lobbying
- Local Advertising
- Local Rate
- Logo
- Logotype
- Loss Leader
- Macromarketing
- Mail-In Premium
- Make Good
- Marginal Analysis
- Market Profile
- Market Segmentation
- Market Share
- Marketing / Marketing Communications
- Marketing Mix
- Marketing Research
- Mass Media
- Masthread
- Media (Singular - Medium)
- Media Alert
- Media Concentration Theory
- Media Dominance Theory
- Media Monitoring
- Media Outlet
- Media Plan
- Media Relations
- Media Strategy
- Media Type
- Merchandising the Advertising
- Message
- Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
- Micromarketing
- Milline Rate
- Mind Share
- Motivation Research
- Narrowcasting
- National Advertising
- National Brand
- National Association of Broadcaster (NAB)
- National Advertising Division (NAD)
- National Advertising Review Board (NARB)
- Near-Pack (Near Pack Premium)
- Net Cost
- Net Unduplicated Audience
- Network
- Network Option Time
- News
- News Conference
- News Feature
- Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA)
- Newswire
- Nielsen Rating
- Noise
- Noncommercial Advertising
- O & O Station
- Off Card
- Ogilvy PR
- On-Air Tests
- On-Pack (On Pack Premium)
- Op-Ed
- Open End
- Opportunity To See, Opportunity to Hear (OTS, OTH)
- Outdoor Advertising
- Out-Of-Home Advertising
- Outside PR
- Outsource
- Overlap
- Overrun
- Package Insert
- Parity Products
- Participation
- Pass-Along Rate
- Pass-Along Readers
- Percent-of-Sales Method
- Perceived Risk
- Per Inquiry
- Periodicals
- Personal Selling
- Personalize
- Persons Using Television (PUT)
- Persons Viewing Television (PVT)
- Persuasion Process
- Piggyback
- Pitch / Pitching
- Pitch Letter
- Point-of-Purchase (POP) Displays
- Preemptible Rate
- Preferred Position
- Premium
- Press Conference
- Press Kit
- Press Release
- Primary Demand Advertising
- Prime Time
- Proactive PR / Reactive PR
- Producer
- Product Differentiation
- Product Life Cycle
- Product Management
- Product Positioning
- Product-Related Segmentation
- Professional Advertising
- Promotion
- Promotional Mix
- Promotional Product
- Proposal
- Psychographics
- Public Affairs
- Publication
- Public Relations (PR)
- Public Relations Advertising (PSA)
- Publicity
- Puffery
- Pulsing
- Pupilometrics
- Psychological Segmentation
- Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR)
- Random Sample
- Rate Card
- Rating Point
- Reach
- Readership
- Recognition
- Reference Group
- Referral Premium
- Representative (Rep)
- Reporter
- Reprint
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Residuals
- Retail Advertising
- Retail Trading Zone
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Round-Up Story
- Run of Paper (ROP) or Run-of-Press (ROP)
- Run-of-Schedule (ROS)
- Rushes
- Sales Promotion
- Sales-Response Function
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Seasonality
- Seasonal Rating Adjustments
- Sector Analysis
- Selective Demand Advertising
- Selective Distribution
- Self-Liquidating Premium
- Self-Mailer
- Semi-Liquidator
- Semiotics
- Share-of-Audience (SOA)
- Share-of-Voice (SOV)
- Shelf Screamers (Shelf Talkers)
- Simmons Marketing Research Bureau (SMRB)
- Situation Analysis
- Social Media
- Social Marketing
- Social Networking Sites
- Soft Sell
- Specialty Advertising
- Speculative (Spec) Sample
- Spin
- Split Run
- Spokesperson
- Spot Announcements
- Spread
- Staggered Schedule
- Stakeholder
- Standard Advertising Unit System (SAUS)
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
- Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS)
- Strategic Planning
- Stratified Selection
- Subliminal Persuasion
- Supplementary Media
- Supplier
- Sweeps
- S.W.O.T. Analysis
- Syndicated / Syndicated Articles
- Syndicated Program
- Tag Line
- Target Audience
- Target Market
- Teaser Campaign
- Telemarketing
- Tonal Bias
- Tone of the Media
- Tracking Studies
- Trade Advertising
- Trade Character
- Trade Name
- Trade Stimulants
- Trademark
- Traditional Media
- Traffic Builder
- Transcript
- Transit Advertising
- Triple Bottom Line Reporting
- Turnover
- Values and Lifestyles (VALS) Research
- Vehicle
- Vertical Discount
- Vertical Publications
- Viral Marketing
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